External verification
Independent third-party review of our sustainability performance data is very important to helping stakeholders place trust in our processes and in what we report. It also accelerates our commitment to openness and transparency. We will be further expanding the scope of assurance of our non-financial data.
Environmental data
Bureau Veritas has provided assurance of Group-wide energy, proportion of renewable electricity, and Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. We also commissioned them to provide assurance of Scope 3 GHG emissions: namely, Category 1, purchased goods and services which includes Category 1, Direct leaf supply-related emissions in our tobacco business. In addition to GHG emissions data, our water withdrawal, water discharge and waste related data (including each of the sub-categories, i.e. waste recycled, incinerated, with/without heat recovery, and land filled), have been externally assured.
Assurance was provided against ISO 14064-3 for GHG emissions data and ISAE 3000 for the other data.
Assurance statement for the JT Group
Health and safety data
Bureau Veritas has provided limited assurance over occupational health and safety performance data, and underlying data management systems for our tobacco business.
Assurance statement for International tobacco business
Tobacco business sustainability targets
Bureau Veritas has provided limited assurance of selected sustainability performance data related to our tobacco business targets.
Assurance statement for the JT Group
Read more about our latest progress on the JT Group's tobacco business sustainability strategy.