Our leadership
The Board of Directors (As of March 22, 2024)
The Board of Directors assumes responsibility in making decisions for important issues including Group strategy as well as supervising all the activities of the Group. Currently, we have ten directors including four independent outside directors.
Mutsuo Iwai
Chairperson of the Board
Shigeaki Okamoto
Deputy Chairperson of the Board
Masamichi Terabatake
Representative Director
Kei Nakano
Representative Director
Koji Shimayoshi
Representative Director
Yukiko Nagashima
Member of the Board
Masato Kitera
Member of the Board
Tetsuya Shoji
Member of the Board
Hiroko Yamashina
Member of the Board
Kenji Asakura
Member of the Board
Ms. Nagashima, Mr. Kitera, Mr. Shoji, Ms Yamashina and Mr. Asakura are Outside Directors, set out in Article 2, Item (xv) of the Companies Act of Japan.
The Audit & Supervisory Board (As of March 22, 2024)
Entrusted by shareholders and ensured of its autonomy, the Audit & Supervisory Board conducts accounting audits as well as operating audits. Currently, we have five audit & supervisory board members including three Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members.
Hideaki Kashiwakura
Standing Audit and Supervisory Board Member
Tsutomu Hashimoto
Standing Audit and Supervisory Board Member
Shigeru Taniuchi
Standing Audit and Supervisory Board Member
Nobuo Inada
Audit and Supervisory Board Member
Emiko Takeishi
Audit and Supervisory Board Member
Mr. Taniuchi, Mr. Inada and Ms. Takeishi are Outside Audit and Supervisory Board Members, set out in Article 2, Item (xvi) of the Companies Act of Japan.
Executive officers (As of January 1, 2024)
JT employs an executive officer system to ensure effective and efficient management by promptly responding to changes in the operating environment and, thus, increase corporate value. Executive officers are appointed by the Board of Directors. At the same time, the board assigns certain responsibilities and delegates relevant authorities to executive officers in accordance with the Rules Defining the Extent of Responsibility and Authority.
Masamichi Terabatake
Chief Executive Officer and President of Tobacco Business
Executive Vice Presidents
Kei Nakano
Finance, Corporate Communications, Business Development and D-LAB
Koji Shimayoshi
Corporate Governance, Compliance, Corporate Strategy, Sustainability, People & Culture, Information Technology, Legal, Operation Review & Business Assurance, Pharmaceutical Business and Food Business
Senior Vice Presidents
Junichi Fukuchi
Chief Executive Officer, Tobacco Business, Japan
Daniel Torras
Performance & Integration, Tobacco Business, Japan
Suguru Fujiwara
Corporate Affairs & Communications, Tobacco Business, Japan
Nobuhiro Uezawa
Manufacturing, Tobacco Business, Japan
Igor Dzaja
Marketing, Tobacco Business, Japan
Kazuyuki Inui
Sales, Tobacco Business, Japan
Muneaki Fujimoto
President, Pharmaceutical Business
Makoto Kakutani
Head of Central Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Pharmaceutical Business
Keisuke Nakagomi
Food Business
Osamu Hirose
General Counsel
Hiroyuki Fukuda
Corporate Strategy and Business Development
Kenji Ogura
Corporate Governance and Compliance
Hisato Imokawa
Chief Sustainability Officer
Hiromasa Furukawa
Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Communications
Yoshiyuki Mishima
People & Culture
Hisashi Shimobayashi
Information Technology
Yuki Otaki
Skills Matrix for Members of the Board and Audit & Supervisory Board Members
The Board of Directors has resolved to adopt the concept of skills necessary for the Board of Directors and developed a skills matrix that lists the areas in which the knowledge and experience of each director and member of the audit & supervisory board is expected to be particularly effective.
The concept of skills necessary for the Board of Directors
Skills matrix of Members of the Board and Audit & Supervisory Board Members